It’s hard for Julie* to access the internet, so she relies on printed timetables. She couldn’t get a copy of the timetable she urgently needed.

Image shows a middle-aged woman smiling at the camera. She has a handbag looped over her arm and is holding a V/Line Echuca Timetable in her hands.

Julie uses printed timetables because she doesn’t have an internet connection or a smartphone.  She wanted a copy of V/Line’s Echuca timetable so she could plan trips to see her grandkids.

Julie went to three different V/Line stations to get a timetable. None had any in stock.

When she called PTV’s call centre and asked them to post her a timetable, they told her the Echuca timetable wasn’t listed in their database.  Julie told us she called PTV a few times, and each staff member said the same thing.

Why did Julie complain to the PTO?

Julie needed an Echuca timetable urgently. When the PTV call centre couldn’t help her she decided to contact the Public Transport Ombudsman.

How did the PTO help Julie?

We contacted PTV on Julie’s behalf and asked them to ensure she got the information she needed as a matter of priority.

What was the outcome?

PTV sent Julie a printed timetable on the same day we contacted them. They also gave us a direct phone number that Julie could call if the timetable didn’t arrive. We passed this number on to Julie.

PTV confirmed that their Ticketing Services team had been asked to work out why the Echuca timetable wasn’t listed in PTV’s database, and to work with V/Line to fix the problem.


* Names and other identifying details have been changed 


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