Our job is to work with you, and the public transport operator or agency, to resolve your public transport complaint in a way that’s fair and reasonable. Our service is free, fair and fast.

We’re impartial, which means we don’t take sides. But we do make sure both sides get a fair hearing, and we provide support to individuals to make sure their complaint gets heard and resolved.

Before you complain to us you need to complain to the public transport operator or agency first. You can complain to us if:

  • you’re not satisfied with the public transport operator/agency’s response  
  • you don’t get a response, or 
  • the problem you complained about isn’t fixed. 

Our complaint process

Number 1



Contact the public transport operator/agency.

Give them a chance to address your complaint first.

Number 2



Make a complaint to us. 

Submit your complaint online or call us on
1800 466 865.

Number 3



We talk to you about your complaint.

We’ll listen and ask questions so we understand your complaint and the outcome you’re seeking.

Number 4



We help resolve your complaint.

Our complaint process is focused on helping you and the operator/agency reach an agreed outcome. If you can’t agree, the PTO can determine an outcome.

How does the PTO helps resolve complaints?

Our role is to help both parties reach an outcome that is fair and reasonable.

Our complaints process is focused on helping you and the operator/agency reach an outcome you both agree with. We use a conciliation process to help people reach agreements. Most complaints to the PTO are managed as conciliations.

If an agreement can’t be reached, we will use an investigation process to help us determine an outcome that’s fair and reasonable. We may also decide to investigate, instead of conciliating, if your complaint contains many or very complex issues.

What kind of complaint outcome can I expect?                                                      

Outcomes depend on what’s fair and reasonable given the facts and circumstances of a complaint. A “fair and reasonable” outcome considers all relevant laws and standards, good industry practice, and any relevant circumstances. This includes the individual circumstances of the person who made the complaint. 

The PTO will confirm the outcome of your complaint in writing. This includes any terms of agreement between you and the operator/agency.

Generally speaking, the types of outcomes the PTO helps people achieve include:

  • an apology or detailed explanation from a public transport operator or agency
  • refunds and reimbursements
  • goodwill and compensation payments
  • changes to operator/agency policies or procedures
  • a commitment from an operator/agency to train or counsel staff members
  • a commitment to other types of corrective action, eg: better processes or clearer public information